Sunday, November 14, 2010

Step 4

Finally, once on tour you have to maintain your "tour card". To remain a proffessional golfer you must be the top 120 golfers or else you have your "tour card" taken away and you are sent back down to "Q-School". Although becoming a proffessional golfer is a long process, it's not a peice of cake once on tour. All proffessionals each year constantly battle to remain a proffessional golfer. Unfortunately, this is a long and exhausting process. There is a lot of pressure to qualify at Q-School, only 1% of registered PGA Tour players qualify for the PGA Tour. Thats means 99% of registered PGA Tour players have their dreams shattered every year. Becoming a Proffessional Golfer sounds like a lot of stress to me.


  1. Can you be more specific about the numbers? how many players lose their cards each year? how many try to retain them?

    How much does a qualifying player make? If you're #120, how much do you make? can you live off of that?

  2. Thats sad their dreams are shattered. I wonder what it would be like to play with a pro on a competitive level.

  3. it sounds like the road to becoming a pro is only made for rich people, are there other ways with less cost to reach that level or do poor people just have to miss out

  4. unfortunately there really isnt a cheaper way to approach becoming a professional golfer.

  5. I thought pro golfers get rich quick, was i wrong?

  6. winning tournaments on tour is quick money, but it takes a while to become a pro.
