Monday, October 25, 2010

Pre-Shot Routine 2

A pre-shot routine can be for luck, just like basketball players do, or baseball players before they hit. Baseball hitters, swing the bat back and forth, back and forth, a few times, for luck or to get ready for the incoming pitch. Well, as I said before It is very similar to the golf pre-shot routine. A golf pre-shot routine can be a luck based action but most golfers do it, to prepare for the upcoming shot. Preparing also falls under the category of getting into a rhythm. Most professional golfers do there pre-shot routine to get there mind off the fundamentals of the swing, but focussed on where they want their shot to go. It is almost like a habit. My swing coach always advises me to keep practicing my pre-shot routine because on a bad day, my mind is usually on the fundamentals of the swing, instead of where I want the ball to go. On a good day I am in that rhythm of finding the yardage to the hole, selecting a club, and doing my pre-shot routine. However, It is very easy to forget to do your pre-shot routine. On a bad day Im storming up to the ball, pulling out a club, and hacking at it, needless to say, the ball doesn't go where I planned it to go because I didn't have time to think of where I wanted it to go.


  1. You might consider writing about the routines of different golfers. I'll bet you can get videos of this. It might be interesting to compare what each golfer does.

  2. Interesting info. Make sense to if you want to have a good game.

  3. I have heard from people and have observed some videos that Tiger Woods' caddy is famous for ripping huge farts during Tiger's pre shot routine. Would this mess the shot up for Tiger? Apparently not. Perhaps it is occasionally an accepted part of his routine?

  4. yeah jeremy but only sbd's, noisy farts are inappropriate like clapping at a normal volume and strength
