Monday, October 25, 2010

Visualizing Your Shot

As you see, most professional golfers stand behind there ball with their club in their hand right before the address the ball and hit it. This is part of their pre-shot routine. As I discussed already, the pre-shot routine is very important. When the golfer is behind the ball, what they're doing is visualizing their shot before they hit it. Visualizing your shot helps get you in "the zone", think about where you want to hit it and most of the time that second of focus helps, believe it or not.

Sometimes, even from behind the ball I see stuff I didn't see before. From behind the ball, you might see extra sand trap, or water hazard, or out of bounds that you now put into consideration that you wouldn't have seen before. Try this, and you might see some improvements.


  1. Consider writing something about how golfers read the greens. I've never understood that. How do they do it? can you do it?

  2. yes, it not that hard once you get understand the conecpt. Ill write about that soon.

  3. I dont know if this works for me, because I always visualize myself driving it onto the green and putting it in for a birdie. But that never happens except for that one time.

  4. haha just think positively and you might see some better results.
