Monday, October 18, 2010

Pre-shot Routine

Anybody a basketball fan? You know how before a player takes a free-throw they do their own routine, two dribbles, spinning the ball off their hand, take a deep breath, bend their knees, and off they go. They do their routine every time, and its the same every time. Well, a pre-shot routine in basketball is the same in golf. check out this video to learn how to help make your own pre-shot routine. 

A pre-shot routine helps get your mind off of hitting bad shots, and helps focus you into the moment. A routine also gets your mind off of the fundamentals of the swing, and letting your body to all the work instead of your mind taking over. Check out this video and try it out soon, good luck!


  1. Why so little on this? It's a great topic. What are some of the routines that golfers use? Are they just about luck, or is there something more to them? I'm curious.

    And what about all the time golfers spend before putts "reading" the green? What's that about?

  2. Interesting video. Good advice.

  3. yeah this sounds like a good idea bc i always find that the more i think about shooting the worse i get.
